Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I ain't no dinosaur

Just finished a wonderful book a friend gave me. "The Last Lecture," by Randy Pauche. Pretty good, in my opinion, but to be honest, I have read books that were better written.
But in and of itself, perhaps this is something to be marveled at; the author (or lecturer in this case) was human, and this was possibly the best portrayal of humanity from someone who is just a man. Not a writer, not an orator of great renown, but a man.

As for the comic itself, well, I'll admit I do dress like a poor emo kid from time to time (I can't help that the majority of my wardrobe is dark colored), but I would hope that my demeanor would dissuade anyone from harping on me for my apparel.

One final note, my spelling isn't always completely atrocious. But that's mostly due to the fact that words that are wrong have helpful red squiggly lines under them.
Thank goodness for computers <3

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